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Top 5 Health Benefits of Green Smoothies

To everyone apart of the wellness wave, thanks for the love!  Whether or not you all partied like a rock star or chilled at home binge watching your favorite series, I hope you all had a solid weekend. With the change of seasons comes a change in activity, and the best way you can achieve your goals in life is with a "clean bill of health". As the wise Benjamin Franklin once put it "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".  Hate em or love em, today we're going to discuss the top 5 health benefits of green smoothies 😋.                                                    They taste better than they look !  To be honest, when I first started the smoothie operation, I avoided green smoothies like the plague! Partially because I felt they were an acquired taste, and also because it just wasn't on my radar at the tim...

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